Monday, October 18, 2010

HW 7d

 Omnivore's Dilemma: Young Readers' Edition  Ch. 17
Precis: pastured animals are healthier to eat and live a more happier life. Pastured animals also contain higher levels of polyunsaturated fats instead of monounsaturated fats, which is healthier and better for the humans to eat. The reason for the chickens being healthier was because they lived outdoors all there lives. Another reason would be because animals raised outdoors live on a diet much like that of the wild animals, so its no wonder they would be better to eat because they aren't forced to only eat one thing thats not the best thing for them to eat.
Quote: On page 197, "When cattle, chickens, and other animals eat grass And not just corn or other grains they are actually healthier for us to eat."
Thoughts: Is grasss the best thing for animals such as cattle, chickens, and other animal to eat? Or is there something even better for animals to eat?

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