Saturday, October 16, 2010

HW 7c

Omnivore's Dilemma: Young Readers' Edition Ch. 13
Precis: Farming was a family business. "I'm actually a third-generation alternative farmer." Joel said. the farm now known as polyface wasnt was in a worse condition then it is than now.The reason for this was because the farm had bein abused by other tenant farmers. This became a huge  problem because other farmers would still grow corn and other grains there. This resulted in soils no loner being soil, and ever since then they've bein trying to rapair the farm.
Quote: on page 159, "In many places there was no topsoil left whatsoever just outcroppings of granite and clay. We've been working to heal this land ever since."  
Thoughts: I cant believe that some farmers dont have any respect for there farms. They shouldn't be farmers then if they're
 going to disrespect a farm like that. 
Omnivore's Dilemma: Young Readers' Edition Ch. 14
Precis: During the winter the corn ferments. This turns the corn into alcohol. This is very suprising because why would joel leave this for the pigs to eat? The answer i recieved was because pigs love it, and that pigs are especially useful for rooting it out with his powerful snout and for there good sense of smell. The reason this is very useful to joel is because the pigs kill any harmful bacteria.
Quote: on page 168, "This is the sort of farm machinary I like," Joel told me on afternoon as we watched the pigs do their work."
Thoughts: This quote shows that pigs are very useful in the farms. They seem like they live a happy live, thats is until they are killed to be made into food.
Omnivore's Dilemma: Young Readers' Edition Ch. 15
Precis: The process of the birds being killed was hard to watch.You cant help but feel sad for the chicken. I was even able to kill a chicken myself. I had to follow a procedure on how to kill the chicken(chop the chickens head off). When i saw the chicken and looked into his eyes luckily i didn't feel anything so i was comfortable killing the chicken but it was a rather sad thing to do. I had killed a dozen chicken or so before moving on to the next station.
Quote: On page 177, "I looked into the black eye of the chicken and, thankfully I saw nothing, not a flicker of fear."
Thoughts: I always hated the process of how chickens died. It's so sad but i love chicken wings and chicken in general so i guess i shouldn't complain.
Omnivore's Dilemma: Young Readers' Edition Ch. 16
Precis: Eevm though food is the focus of our international movement, we can decide what foods go into our bodies. We the people can make big changes in the food system, for example our desire to have cleaner, healthier foods have created a $20-billion market for industrial organic foods. However changing to a locol food economy wont be easy. But I believe that when consumers know once again how there food is produced they will eat the most healthiest cleanist foods. Eating localy will also benefit the farmers because this will mean that the farmers will not have to leave there farms to live somewhere else.
Quote: on page 191, "When consumers know once again how their food is produced, they are naturally going to want it produced in the cleanest, most humane and environmentally healthy ways.
Thoughts: I want to believe that humans will change when they know everything about how processed foods come to be, but i dont think people will stop eating fat foods. I believe this because these foods such as cheeseburgers or fried chicken have bein eaten by people for a long time and I dont think people will stop eating it because they like the food to much to stop eating it.

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