Monday, October 11, 2010

HW 7b - Reading Schedule

chapter 6 of the Book "Omnivore's Dilemma: Young Readers' Edition"
Precis: The development of processed foods has grown so much over the years. I was able to get a tour of the research and development laboratory of general mills. Whrere I found out that the government makes more money off of selling processed foods then the farmers who make the food. This is why farmers perfer people buy whole foods because the farmer will get more money out of it.
Quote: On page 72, "The farmer on the other hand makes more money from whole foods than processed foods."
Thoughts: The governmnet abuses their power. They aren't fair and they are making alot more money then they should. They aren't doing as much as farmers to be making more than them on processed foods.
  chapter 7 of the Book "Omnivore's Dilemma: Young Readers' Edition"
Precis:Obesity is now more than ever before. This is all because people are now getting their foods "supersized." I believe that this is because people are ashamed of not getting up and asking for seconds. Instead they'll just order a "supersized" meal. However not all of this is the peoples fault and the government has part of this huge apidemic. I say this because the government helps pay the farmers for corn and soy beans but not carrots. This means that the govt. Will only help pay for non healthy fat foods but not for healthy foods.
Quote: on page 83 "The U.S. governmnet (spending taxpayer dollars)helps pay farmers to grow corn and soybeans, but not to grow carrots.
Thoughts: The government should just pick a side because they tell us to eat healthy but they don't help with the problem and are actually part of the problem. They wanna seem like role models by telling us to eat healthy when in secrecy they are not helping the problem one bit.
chapter 8 of the Book "Omnivore's Dilemma: Young Readers' Edition"
Precis: Us beeng the omnivores we are can eat almost any food there is. We try different foods and most humans rely on how the food tastes like.If the person likes the food most likely he'll continue eating it but if the person doesn't like the way the food tastes like the person will most likely not continue eating it.  However we cant always rely on our tastebuds because some people may not like vegetables but it is good for the person.
Quote: On page 89, "It turns out that some of the bitterest plants contain valuable nutrients, even useful medicines.We can;t only rely on our sense of taste when we chose what we eat."
Thoughts I blieve that this is true but it will be hard for a person to start eating foods that they dont like just because it is good for things.
chapter 9 of the Book "Omnivore's Dilemma: Young Readers' Edition"
Precis: The meal at mc. Donalds was good. The chesseburger was good but without the ketchup,mustard,pickles, ad onions the grey patty had hardly any flavor. This made me realize that these undustrial foods have been processed so much it no longer seems as though they were made from animals. This caused me to add up how much corn Judith, Isaac,and i consumed and it added up to three and a half pounds of corn!!!!That was much more than expected
Quote: On page 102, "Where did my cheeseburger come from? It came from McDonald's. As far as food companies are concerned, that's all we need to know."
Thoughts: Mcdonalds and other fast food restaurants dont tell the whole story of where their foods come from.I wonder if they are embarrased of how there cheeseburgers are made.

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