The person i decided to interview was a fellow classmate of mine(wanted to be kept hidden). He had no problem telling me his thoughts on prom so I asked him if he was planning on going to prom. He replied by saying, " I do want to go to prom. Everyone should go to prom it looks like fun." I replied. I couldn't agree more prom is something people should go to. The next question I decided to ask him was, why he thinks people try to be the center of attention and outshine everyone. He replied, "Well it's because you're leaving highschool you know. Most people want to leave highschool with a bang in order to make people remember who you are 5 years from prom."
The next person i decided to interview was my sister who had gone to prom. I began the interview by asking her the question, how was your prom experience like, and what are your thoughts about prom? She replied, My prom was definantly a night to remember. I still remember it like i it were yesterday. Me and my date danced and laughed it was just an awesome night. My thought on prom is that everyone should go to it. Even if you dont have a date because it definantly is a night to remember. Suprised and now thinking about if prom is really all they say it is, i decided to ask my sister the next question of, why do mostpeople have the need to dress up and look their best for prom. She replied, well that's pretty self explanitory, i mean prom is a party and like any other party you should look nice, or at the very least decent looking. Also prom is a big deal for alot of people, like a few of my friends went looking for dresses about 2 months before prom and took it real serious.
The final person i decided to interview was my father. I started the interview by asking him what was his prom like? He replied, It was alright it was in my school cafeteria in the evening from 6pm -9pm. There was a DJ and people were dressed nice and having a good time. The next question I asked was, How do you think prom has change over the years if anyrhing . Re replied, i dont think prom has changed. Maybe the type of music we listen to but other than that i couldn't imagine anything being different.
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