Tuesday, April 26, 2011

HW 48 - Family Perspectives on the Care of the Dead

        After thinking about who would be the two perfect people to interview. I came up with my decision and decided to first interview my father. I started out the Interview by asking him what he thinks about when he hears the word death. He then replied by saying, "A part of life that everyone has to go through weather they like it or not."i then decided to ask him, would you  rather be cremated or buried, and why? He replied, "I would rather be crmated because i dont want my body to rot in the ground and with a cremation you and mom can keep my ashes.
        The second person i decided to interviwew was my 84 year old grandmother. Being that old i had high hopes to learn something new and interesting. so after 20 minutes of just talking to her, aking how she is doing and all the other common questions i decided to start the interview by asking my grandmother what comes to her mind when she hears the word death? She replied, A sad part in everyones life. With only that little piece of information given i decided to ask her the question, "everyone in our family has gotten buried. Does this connect to our religious beliefs in anyway? My grandmother responded by saying, "In a way it does because catholic priests talk about what's holy. In the bible it says that god lent us our bodies so we should leave it be and bury ourselves instead of cremating oursleves. Now I have never gone to a cremation but i would imagine it isn't pleasent. To me getting buried is the only way to go. This left me with alot to think about including what my dominant models will think of me if i do choose to get cremated(the ones that are still alive). 
        The first thing i noticed about both my interviews is when i asked them what was the first thing that came to there mind they both rplied by saying that it is a sad part in everyones life. I also found interesting how my father wants to get cremated and my grandmother(From my mothers side) wants to get buried. I realized that the people from my fathers side of the family is religious but not as religious as the family from my mothers side. My fathers side of the family doesn't really care if you decide to get buried or cremated and they are okay with whatever you choose, however my grandmother and mother and everyone else from our family wants everyone to get buried. So this is going to be a hard decision to make.

1 comment:

  1. Johnny,
    You interviewed two family members with different religious views and analyzed how religion effected their views on death. You also did a great job discussing ho I enjoyed reading about what your grandmother said. You mentioned, "The first thing i noticed about both my interviews is when I asked them what was the first thing that came to there mind they both replied by saying that it is a sad part in everyones life."
    I also found it strange that she had an almost identical response to the question, What do you think of when you hear the word death? You would think that an older person would have had a different view on the topic.

    To improve this project you could further discuss how religion effects the choice of how to care for the dead. What about the bible makes people chose to not become cremated? What about being underground do you think scares people?

    Your work was insightful and I enjoyed reading it.
