In order to gain more insight and new perspectives on the care of the dead, I decided to interview one of my closest friends. I started the interview by asking him the question, "Does the way the U.S. care for the dead meet your expectations?" He then responded by saying, Wow that's an interesting question and something i've never bein asked before. Well I've bein to 3 funerals in my life and when I looked into the coffins of my dead family members they all looked like they've bein taken well care. However i don't kow too much about how the U.S cares of the dead either, i got to look into that. After hearing his response, this made me want to know everything that happens in between, when the dead person is taken away from there last living location to being on display in there coffins. So the second question I decided to ask him was, "Do you think that there is a certain part to taking care of the dead that, the workers don't want you to know about." I believe that there is something that the workers wouldn't want there familiy members to know. There are always business secrets that they dont want the public to know. I agreed and realized that almost every business does have secrets both good and bad.
The next person I decided to interviewed was my Cousin, Who i'm very close to.(We always agree on the same things so i thought that we would both think the same way on this topic.) The first question I asked him was, "what have you noticed about the care of the dead?" He then responded by saing, Well In the past funerals we have bein to together I have notcied that grandma and great grandma looked so peaceful. So I would say that the U.S takes really well care of the dead . I believe that this is the only thing in our system that isn't corrupt right now.That statement got me thinking to the first interview i had with my friend about how everything in this system is corrupt and how every business tries to keep some truths away from the public. So not knowing what to think anymore about if absolutely everything is corrupt in this system or if the the care of the dead is the only thing not corrupt in the U.S. I decided to ask my cusion next question which was, "when you die would you like to be cremated or buried, and why? He replied by saying, at this point i really dont know. However i am more favored to being buried. Everyone in our family is buried it's like a tradition in our family to get buried. I then replied by saying you're right and thus another reason was added to my list of reasons on why I should to get buried.
The final person i decided to interview was my god sister. I decided to start the interview by asking her the question, "Do you think the care of the dead changes depending on weather the dead person is getting cremated or buried? She replied by saying, I mean i really dont know, but if i had to take a guess i would say no. It wouldn't make sense for the people to treat the dead bodies they have any different just because they aren't getting buried or just because they aren't getting cremated. After hearing her response I agree'd with her. However I dont know too much about this so i'm also not sure if the dead get treated differently based on how they choose to "part" and alot of crazy things happen in this world of ours so i wouldn't be suprised if the dead do get teated differently. The next question i decided to ask her is, "Do you think that with having a job of taking care of the dead you are also commiting to a life time of responsibility even after working hours?" She replied by saying, I mean i'm sure that there are more stressful jobs than this. But in terms of if this job is not made for everyone and if the people that do work in this job have a huge burden to carry then yes this is a job with a lifetime of responsibility even after working hours.
After interviewing the three people i definantly gained some new inisght that i prabobly wouldn't have thought on as my own. I also realized that my ideas did compare to the people i interviewed For example my cousin and I both think that there are things kept hidden in the care of the dead that they don't want you to know. I also realized that all three of the people i interviewed weren't 100% sure weather they want to be cremated or buried yet. However it make sense that they don't know because we are all around 16 and still young so dying is kept in the back of our minds. Can't wait to move on with this unit so i can learn more about the care of the dead.
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