Thursday, March 31, 2011

HW 41 - Independent Research

Culminating project -academic project

-NYC abortion options
Source: Adapted from:
How abortion is always a choice. Also lets you know a little bit more thiongs about what that person will be getting themselves into if they want an abortion.
-Best practices for doctors to not dominate patients during this process
by Diana Korte and Roberta Scaer
This article talked about how doctors seem to be in control of everything. Also how rates on mid wifes had increased as well as increase/decrease rates of many other interesting things.
-Adoptions in NYC 
This source provided information on adoption. What you will be responsible for and what your are getting yourself into. As well as talking about how great of a thing they think adopting is.

-Government support for pregnant women and mothers in poverty - if you're poor and becoming a mother in NYC what programs could help you and how would you apply?
This article talks about the system and how if your poor you are entitled for the government to help you out and give you money. As well as other benefits to make that persons life less stressful.
-Prenatal strengthening and nutrition and exercise and self-care
This article talks about different ways to be better prepared for when the woman actually has to give birth, Both physically and mentally.

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