Tuesday, February 15, 2011

HW 34 - Some Initial Thoughts On Birth

        When i come across a topic such as Birth the first bubble that comes to mind is the woman carrying a baby for nine months, as well as the option of getting an abortion, and the people i know that have given birth already.  This lead to me thinking how birth is actually a beautiful process (maybe not at the time being because of all the pain the woman goes through and all that the man has to put up with) almost always leaving both the mother and the father happy in the end. This idea lead me to the question, "do all woman that have given birth feel a sense of relief when they finally see there babies?"   After brainstorming i came up with the answer that most mothers do feel a sense of relief after giving birth because they dont have 8 extra pounds on them which comes from the baby, and they dont have to be careful with what they do so that they dont hurt the baby.
         This topic could bring up alot of very interesting questions. Another questions I thought of was, "Why do some teens decide to go through with having a baby when they know that they are not yet ready to take care of a child and dont necesarrily have all that is needed to take care of a baby?" After brain storming i came up with the answer that maybe the pregnant teens feel pressured into keeping the baby or maybe some teens think that having the baby will change there life for the better and make them a to better person. So as one can see there can be multiple questions asked about this topic. I personally have a lot of questions that I would like to know the answer to for example, Why is it that the pregnant woman gets extra moody, why does the pregnant woman get such wierd cravings, and what causes her to be more likely to throw up when pregnant? I hope all these questions get answered throughout this unit and i'm very curious to see what i will learn next in this unit.

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