Saturday, January 8, 2011

HW 29- Reading and noting basic materials

        Everybody gets sick at some point of their lives.Now it may be true to alot of people that we spend the most time in the hospitals when we are really close to dying and when we are really sick.However there are many times when we go to the hospital throughout our lives. When i was a about 10 or 11 i had surgery on my arm because i had broke it when i fell  off of a bike that i was riding. Even though i remember waiting for lii 3-4 hours once it was my turn to get medical help the operation went smoothly and didnt take as long as i thought it would. I saw people there  that were in the hospital before me but i guess since i had good health care it came to my advantage and i didnt wait as long as other people. This made me realize that every single person will have to go to the hospital alot of times because every one gets sick and everyone dies. However just because everyne gets sick that doesn't mean that every one will go through the same process.
        It's sad to say but, the reality is that everyone will die and there is no escaping it. However its safe to say that not every one is going to die the same way because there is so many ways to die in this world. In Death and hospital culture it says, "Today, more Americans die in hospitals then anywhere else, and the most frequent response to critical illness there is to try to stave off with the most sophisticated technological means available." (Death and Hospital Culture, 25) This is very sad to know because this shows how alot of people actually do go to a hospital when there time is about to come and die there. However just because this is said in that quote that doens't mean that dying in the hospital is the only way to die.Because in the book i read, "Tuesdays with morrie" Morrie(The main character who was very ill and found out that he only had a few months left before he died) died at home and was in his bed. So im not saying that one is better than the other but its safe to say that where you die will definantly affect that persons experience of dying.For example when you are left to die at home yu seem to have more freedom and anybody can visit you at anytime.However when you are left to die in the hospital the doctors have rules as to what times people can visit you and that person will probably have to sign a whole bunch of things. 
        In the Movie sicko the narrator talks about how so many people in the United states have no health insurance. This is a very sad reality because unlike the other countries such as canada and britain where they have amazingly good health insurance, the health care the united states will only help us when the big insurance companies are recieving money also. However having health insurance in the U.S will have its perks. For example you probably will pay less for treatment and could even get the treatment for free. But like alot of people in the U.S, if you dont have health insurance you will probably be charged a huge sum of money for a little treatment. And the the wait and procedure to get the treatment may be brutal. To make matters worse later on in the Movie sicko it talked about how this one doctor declined a patient health care when they really needed it and because of this, that person died. This really fustrates me because it proves how all the big insurance companies care about is money and they dont even care about us. They would put money over our health care.

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