I have no experience and have very little knowledge about illness's and dying. However i have gone to a funeral like once or twice in my life. I have also gone to the hospital multiple times because my grandmother was ill. Also because my mother was ill at some point but is better now. So this unit is going to be something i have never done before and this will most likely grab my attention.
The way i have been taught to see illness's is by treating the ill person as if everything was normal and as if he wasn't in the hospital. However i have aslo been taught to Tend to his needs by giving him whatever he asks for. Some social norms of ilness's & dying in our society is after a person dies that person has to either be cremated or buried. Another social norm that we have is we attend the funeral's of the one that died.
My families approach to these aspects of life is to cry over the person that's ill. To give them spiritual help by telling them that good is with them. Also my family will give the ill person anything they wanted, and do anything to keep the ill person happy. One unusual perspective i have about being sick and/or dying is, maybe dying is just another part of life we have to go through but not really the end of the road for us. Another unusual perspective i have is, is burying or cremating the body the only "right way" of disposing the body.
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