Thursday, March 31, 2011

HW 41 - Independent Research

Culminating project -academic project

-NYC abortion options
Source: Adapted from:
How abortion is always a choice. Also lets you know a little bit more thiongs about what that person will be getting themselves into if they want an abortion.
-Best practices for doctors to not dominate patients during this process
by Diana Korte and Roberta Scaer
This article talked about how doctors seem to be in control of everything. Also how rates on mid wifes had increased as well as increase/decrease rates of many other interesting things.
-Adoptions in NYC 
This source provided information on adoption. What you will be responsible for and what your are getting yourself into. As well as talking about how great of a thing they think adopting is.

-Government support for pregnant women and mothers in poverty - if you're poor and becoming a mother in NYC what programs could help you and how would you apply?
This article talks about the system and how if your poor you are entitled for the government to help you out and give you money. As well as other benefits to make that persons life less stressful.
-Prenatal strengthening and nutrition and exercise and self-care
This article talks about different ways to be better prepared for when the woman actually has to give birth, Both physically and mentally.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

HW 40 - Insights from Book - Part 3

        "Hey Tina Cassidy thanks for writing Birth. Your main idea about how birth is performed and how the birthing process have changed over the years made me rethink pregnancy and birth. 
        The part that really stood out to me was the part where it talked about the tools that were being used to "Well, in the last third of the book you focused on" the men not being allowed to be in the same room as there mates aswell as the mother to not bond as much with the babies as the mother wants. Which further developed  the first 2/3rds of the book. But let me be more specific." And then you listed the top 3 ideas/pieces of evidence/insights/questions from that final third of the book.
#1) At the end of the 1960's, only 15 percent of men were attending the births of their children. (pg.207)
#2) They are convinced they cannot give birth without the participation of the bby's father.(pg. 214)
#3) As late as 1958, a survey of three thousand U.S. hospitals found that only three hundred allowed mothers and child to remain together. (pg. 226)
        "Well, let's be clear - your text sought to provide policy analysis from the perspective of a actual person who deals with and enforces the hospital policies.  for the book-reading-public to better understand pregnancy & birth in our culture. Given that aim, and your book, the best advice I would give for a 2nd edition of the text would be, to gain some new infromation and to get some new people in the book that has gone through the un just birth and pergnancy process.  But I don't want you to feel like I'm criticizing. I appreciate the immense amount of labor you dedicated to this important issue and particularly for making me think about the tools being dealt to help the patients & the process the patients have to go through. In fact, I'm likely to keep all this information regarding this book in mind so i could make sure that when i go through this process with my wife nothing un just happens.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

HW 39 - Insights from Book - Part 2

Business of Being Born:
-Over the years there have bein many new "medical treatments" to help the pregnant woman endure less pain during birth, However the problem with this is that the shots that were given to the woman to help her feel less pain was not even approved and not a safe drug that should be iven to the pregnanat woman.
-I have also learned that doctors want to make there lives easier so they take the easy way out and use machines that'll take the babies out at a more rapid rate.
- The doctors also seem to ignore everything that the mom says. Although the doctors do listen to what the mother is saying the doctor seems to make things go the way they want and not by what the mothers want.
The major insight the book tries to communicate:
In the second hundred pages the book tries to tell its readers of how for many years woman have always had to go through a very humiliating process. How the doctors procedures aren't always the best, and how the doctors procedures could lead to the womans death.
"Woman have tolerated unnatural labor position, little snips, humiliating enemas, unnecessary shavings, dangerous instruments, embarrasing hospital gowns, and tight labor schedules for hundreds of years." (Pg. 161)
"Hoping to bring down her temperature, doctors withdrew fifty ounces of blood. Her Pulse, and her strength, steadily weakened. Then she died."(pg. 162)
5 interesting aspects of pregnancy and birth:
-The history of the C-section
- Going through birth while having a disease
- originally when the tools were to be used and how the doctors changed when to use these tools to help themselves
-If men more suitable to be doctors
- is birth giving considered a disease
one crucial factual claim by the author:

Monday, March 14, 2011

HW 38 - Insights from pregnancy & birth book - part 1

        If I was to write a book about pregnancy and birth i would do the same thing Tina Cassidy did in her book, "Birth." I acknowledged the fact  that she dedicated the book to people and how in the first sentence of her first pharagraph she already gave us insight about birth.
Major question the book tries to answer:
1)  The amount of questions the people have that are currently dealing with birth?
"Could it possibly be true that even in early twentieth -century America, women delivering in hospitals were more liekely to die there than if they had given birth at home? That poor woman were used as obstetrical guinea pigs? (Pg. 7)
2) Who's really more helpful men are midwives?
"Once Bourgeios became a famous midwife, however, she began publicly attacking surgeons for their middlesome mistakes that complicated what should have been moraml births."(Pg. 36-37)
        The insight the book, "Birth" tries to give us in the first 100 pages are how there there is no one perfect way of giving birth. How everyone's situation of giving birth will be different. How both the guy and girl go through  so much and go crazy because of the situation there in.
Response to insight:
I believe that everyones birth experience is different and hard. I feel especially sorry for all rhe people that have to go through the birthing process alone. In the book all the people dealing with pregnancy and birt seem to be going crazy and are stressed enough even with there partners so i couldnt imagine how they could get through this process if they were alone.
5 interesting aspects of pregnancy and birth:
Cesarean sections are very useful but dangerous
soon to be parents deserve to get extra attention
Doctors changed the way things are performed to help the people as well as themselves
Midwifes are very useful
Giving birth at a home like envirenment is a good alternative if you dont want to give birth at the hospital
       The author uses real people to gain insight on birth and pregnancy. She also uses this information to make arguements. I find this evidence to be very reliable for there are alot of people that are going through the birth and pregnancy situation . The author's whole book is evidence, however this doesn't interupt or stall the book at all. It makes the book more intersting and more enjoyable to read.